Plot Subdivision Eligibility Checker
Understanding Plot Subdivision Eligibility in Maharashtra
What is Plot Subdivision?
Plot subdivision involves splitting a single, larger plot of land into two or more smaller plots. This is typically done to sell portions of the land, develop separate buildings, or for better management of the property. Subdividing a plot requires permission from local municipal authorities to ensure that the new plots meet all regulatory requirements.
Factors Affecting Plot Subdivision Eligibility in Maharashtra
The eligibility for subdividing a plot in Maharashtra is influenced by several key factors:
- Minimum Plot Size: Local development control regulations (DCR) specify the minimum size for subdivided plots. This ensures that each new plot is viable for development and use.
- Setback Requirements: The subdivided plots must adhere to setback requirements, which dictate the minimum distance between the plot boundary and any structures.
- Access and Road Width: Each subdivided plot must have proper access to a road, and the width of the road must meet the minimum requirements set by the local authority.
- Utilities and Infrastructure: Subdivided plots must have access to essential utilities such as water, electricity, and sewage systems.
- Land Use Zoning: The intended use of the subdivided plots must be consistent with the zoning regulations of the area.
Plot Subdivision Eligibility Checker
Use this tool to determine if your plot meets the Maharashtra UDCPR requirements for subdivision based on minimum plot area and width. You can enter your plot dimensions in meters or feet and inches.
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